Here are some film terms from the search results:

1. **Casting**: The process of selecting actors for a film
2. **Reading**: A meeting where the cast and crew read through the script together
3. **Script/Naskah**: The written text of a film, including dialogue and stage directions.
4. **PH (Production House)**: A company that produces films
5. **Angle**: The position from which a shot is taken
6. **Shot**: A single, continuous take by the camera
7. **Cinematic**: Relating to the art of making films
8. **Cameo**: A brief appearance by a well-known actor or celebrity in a film
9. **Depth of Field**: The distance between the nearest and farthest objects in focus in a shot
10. **Genre**: A category of films characterized by similar themes, styles, or subject matter
11. **VFX (Visual Effects)**: Computer-generated imagery added to a film to create special effects
12. **SFX (Sound Effects)**: Audio effects added to a film to enhance the sound design
13. **Scene**: A sequence of events that takes place in a single location or time
14. **Sequel and Prequel**: A film that continues the story of a previous film (sequel) or tells the story that precedes a previous film (prequel)
15. **Score**: The music composed specifically for a film
16. **Plot**: The sequence of events that make up the story of a film
17. **Plot Twist**: A sudden and unexpected change in the direction or outcome of the story
18. **Director**: The person responsible for overseeing the creative aspects of a film, including the acting, cinematography, and editing
19. **Cut**: A command given to stop filming
20. **Action**: A command given to start filming
21. **Script Breakdown**: The process of analyzing a script to determine the production requirements
22. **PPM (Pre-Production Meeting)**: A meeting held before filming begins to discuss the production schedule and requirements
23. **Scouting**: The process of finding and selecting locations for filming
24. **Recce**: A visit to a location to assess its suitability for filming
25. **Crew Call**: The time when crew members are expected to arrive on set
26. **On Cam**: A command given to indicate that filming has begun
27. **Blocking**: The process of planning and coordinating the movements of actors and cameras for a shot


Istilah istilah dalam dunia FILM