The phenomenon of married and working women is a dual role conflict that also causes work stress. Dual role conflict arises when the interests of work interfere with family interests (work-family conflict) or vice versa family interests interfere with work (family work conflict). This study aims to analyze the effect of dual role conflict on job stress and job satisfaction. The subjects of this study were nurses at Dharma Nugraha Hospital Jakarta. The study was startedfrom October to November 2017. Data were collected by one short study method, survey, and questionnaire. Design of causal research. Variables in this research are Multiple Role Conflicts as an independent variable, Working Stress as a dependent variable, Job Satisfaction as a dependent variable. The assessment instrument was 127 questionnaires and measurements with a 5-step Likert scale. Data analysis using Path Analysis (Line Analysis).The results showed that: (1) multiple role conflicts had a significant positive effect on job stress, (2) work stress did not affect job satisfaction, (3) dual role conflict had the negative and insignificant effect to job satisfaction. If the dual role conflict is high then the work stress will be high too, dual role conflict decreases the work stress will decrease. If work stress is high, job satisfaction may increase or decrease. Conversely, if the job stress is low, then job satisfaction can also increase or decrease. Job satisfaction will be low if dual role conflict increases, job satisfaction increases when dual role conflict is low. Job stress can provide job satisfaction without the occurrence of dual role conflict on female nurses. Work-family conflict comes from the support of colleagues and superiors, it is necessary to create a strategy such as hospital regulations are not allowed to work overtime because it will result in fatigue so that it will impact on patient safety (patient safety). Family-work conflict is sourced from spouses and families, a mediation strategy is needed such as family gathering that aims to introduce the work environment to family members.


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