From the data obtained, over the past 5 years, the rate of nurse turnover can be categorized high according to Gillies�s standards. In 2014, the rate of nurse turnover was 16.4% and continued to increase until 26% in 2017. In 2018, the rate of nurse turnover was 18.8%, which was lower from the previous year, but it was still categorized high. Based on the exit briefing data in 2018, it is known that the high rate of nurse turnover at �X� Hospital was caused by the influence of family, lack of satisfaction with salaries and rewards. This study aims to provide empirical evidence of the formation of an intention to move to nurses who are influenced by job satisfaction, work-family conflict, and rewards. The research design is quantitative with analytical causality research using primary data in the form of a questionnaire distributed to 174 people. The sampling technique in this study was carried out using a saturation sampling method. This research uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The unit of analysis includes individual nurses with cross-sectional time horizons. The results are work-family conflict, rewards, job satisfaction that simultaneously affect nurses� intention to move at the �X� Hospital. Work-family conflict has a negative effect on job satisfaction. Giving rewards has a positive effect on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction gives effect to the formation of the intention to move. Work-family conflict has a positive effect on the formation of the intention to move. Giving rewards has a negative effect on the formation of nurses� turnover intentions. The research findings show the �hallo effect� causes the actualization acquired by nurses could not increase job satisfaction, resulting in a stronger intention to move.


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